Virtual Machines
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Hacker House are community sponsors at this year’s BSides London 2017 and, to celebrate, we have an exploit challenge for you. A key date in the UK security scene, it offers an alternative technical conference for the hackers and tech geeks to share war stories and learn. We are providing a challenge lab designed especially for the conference that attendees can sink disassemblers into. If you aren’t at the event, you can also hack along at home, but remember that prizes for solutions can only be claimed at our stand during the event! The challenge is provided in ISO format which you can boot in VirtualBox or any similar virtualisation software, heck you can even run it on an ATM if you like, but this is unsupported. If you solve our little brain teasing conundrums and beat the system to get root, the first three successful solutions presented to us at our stand can claim one of our awesome hoodies, check them out in our shop! This challenge is open to individuals, but if you do decide to team up, then let us know as only one prize can be claimed per solution. We are also giving several t-shirts away during the raffle so make sure you get your tickets!

Our challenge will test your elite hacking skills and requires web application, reverse engineering, cryptography and exploit abilities. It shouldn’t take the competent skilled hacker too much time, but if you do struggle then watch our social media feeds during the event for some tips to this adventure. You should run the challenge in Host-Only networking mode and on successful boot you will be presented with a console, similar to the one shown at the end of this post. You should solve the challenge from a network perspective, only solutions using this route will be accepted for prizes (unless they are really cool!).

The goal of the challenge is to hack the ISO, level up your skills and get root, come and show us how you did it if you want to claim your prize! If you are struggling with the configuration of our challenge, you can check out our training course free module, which details steps for configuring a similar lab. You can find details and upcoming dates of our training here.

Happy hacking and remember sharing is caring so post (tweet us @myhackerhouse!) or email a solution and let us know about it after the event. We will share links to the best of them on this blog! May the force be with you, young padawan, and remember that hacking isn’t just a skill – it’s a survival trade.


Graceful’s VulnVM is web application running on a virtual machine, it’s designed to simulate a simple eCommerce style website which is purposely vulnerable to a number of well know security issues commonly seen in web applications. This is really a pre-release preview of the project but it’s certainly functional as it stands, but I’m planning on doing a lot of work on this in the near future.

The plan is ultimately to have the application vulnerable to a large number of issues with a selection of different filters at different difficulties that way the as testers become better at detecting and exploiting issues the application can get hardened against common exploitation methods to allow the testers a wider ranger of experiences.

The first filters have now been implemented! The application now supports “levels” where Level 1 includes no real filtration of user input and Level 2 includes a simple filter for each vulnerable function.

Currently it’s vulnerable to:

  • SQL Injection (Error-based)
  • SQL Injection (Blind)
  • Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
  • Stored Cross-Site Scripting
  • Insecure Direct-Object Reference
  • Username Enumeration
  • Path Traversal
  • Exposed phpinfo()
  • Exposed Administrative Interface
  • Weak Admin Credentials

Extracting the Virtual Machine

Install p7zip to unzip *.7z files on Fedora:

sudo dnf install p7zip

Install p7zip to unzip *.7z files on Debian and Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install p7zip

Extract the archive:

7z x Seattle-

Then you can simply start up the virtual machine using Virtual Box! The root user account has a password of PASSWORD


Welcome to The Pentester’s 64-Bit AppSec Primer and challenge.

Here at The Pentesters, we have a passion for application security and all that goes with it. We think that application security is an extremely important part of the field of information security and have, “made it our business” so to speak to provide a means of education into modern-day application security. With modern computing becoming more and more advanced, and the requirements for understanding the functionality and security behind said computing becoming equally as challenging to understand, we figured that perhaps giving a set of challenges dedicated to learning the mere basics of 64 bit appsec would be beneficial to the security community.

The 64-Bit AppSec Primer consists of 16 challenges, increasingly more difficult than the previous one, dedicated to learning the basics of 64 bit binary exploitation and reverse engineering. The x64 instruction set, as you would expect, has many new instructions, registers, and calling conventions in comparison to the traditional x86 instruction set. Our goal, with this challenge, is to get you inside a debugger with intentionally vulnerable binaries, and get you looking at the inner-workings of a 64 bit binary. Alongside the increasing complexity of the instruction set, is an equally complexity of exploitation, which as a penetration tester and security engineer, will prove useful to understand.

The challenges consist of varying vulnerabilities and anti-debugger tricks in binaries, such as:

  • Stack-based Buffer Overflows
  • Format String Vulnerabilities
  • Heap-based Buffer Overflows
  • Detection of tracing
  • Insecure validation of credentials
  • and more… don’t want to give you all the good details eh?

As a bonus, we would like to contribute back to the security community. We are donating the VM to Vulnhub, for all to have, and we are also offering prizes to three people who gives us the most robust and complete write-up for the challenges. In order to qualify for the prizes, you must post your write-up on either your personal blog, or website (your choice), and post a link to along with your username. If you are unable to solve all of the challenges, that is okay, we will still accept your write-up for judging, we still want to see what you completed and how you did it. Here are the prizes:

  • 1st Place gets $150.00
  • 2nd Place gets $75.00
  • 3rd Place gets $25.00

The challenge ends on August 31st, 2016. All write-ups must be submitted by then, whoever has written the best write-up with the most detailed explanations wins. The judging will be done by our pentesting team.

Also, I would like to note a couple rules for the reverse engineering challenges.

  • The challenge must be solved without attacking the encryption of the flag. Spoiler, I used a basic XOR encryption for most of them so they do not show up in strings. So, that is off-limits. The goal is to break the logic of the application.
  • Some challenges have several ways of solving and we would like to see how you did it. My C coding skills are most certainly not expertise, but I feel as if this will prove to be a good exercise for many in regards to exploit development and reverse engineering.
  • All else is fair game!

Note: ASLR must be disabled, log in as level17:madpwnage, and run “echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space”. Also, challenge 3, is only a DoS challenge. This is the beta, so there are still glitches. If you find any, please contact me at [email protected] with your discovery.

There are a couple challenges that don’t have “flags” but you will know when you have solved those, please note your findings and take screen-shots of them as well. As for the VM, you are to ssh in as user n00b and password n00b where you will find gdb-peda installed for you to make your life easier. The VM gets its IP through DHCP and is set to host-only adapter in VMware, so it should work for you straight out of the box so to speak. That is all I have for you and I hope you enjoy.

         _         _            _        _   _        _            _
        /\ \      /\ \         /\ \     /\_\/\_\ _   /\ \         /\ \
       /  \ \    /  \ \        \ \ \   / / / / //\_\/  \ \       /  \ \
      / /\ \ \  / /\ \ \       /\ \_\ /\ \/ \ \/ / / /\ \ \     / /\ \ \
     / / /\ \_\/ / /\ \_\     / /\/_//  \____\__/ / / /\ \_\   / / /\ \_\
    / / /_/ / / / /_/ / /    / / /  / /\/________/ /_/_ \/_/  / / /_/ / /
   / / /__\/ / / /__\/ /    / / /  / / /\/_// / / /____/\    / / /__\/ /
  / / /_____/ / /_____/    / / /  / / /    / / / /\____\/   / / /_____/
 / / /     / / /\ \ \  ___/ / /__/ / /    / / / / /______  / / /\ \ \
/ / /     / / /  \ \ \/\__\/_/___\/_/    / / / / /_______\/ / /  \ \ \
\/_/      \/_/    \_\/\/_________/       \/_/\/__________/\/_/    \_\/


1) Run the OVA in a VM and connect to the webserver 2) Have Fun!

Made by


Thanks to

morbidick einball sarah

I would probably have never finished', this project without you guys ;)',


For hinting me to Erik Österberg's Terminal.js


For providing fuel in the form of fudge and premium grilled goods

More information:


A friend wanted to get into some simple exploits. I suggested starting out with web security, she was all for it. But when I started browsing vulnhub and the likes I couldn't find anything like I had in mind. So I wrote my own.


This is a story based challenge written in a style heavily inspired by Neil Stephensons Snow Crash and William Gibsons Sprawl Trilogy. Each chapter is unlocked by solving the puzzle. From hardcoded clear text javascript password checks, SQL-injections and cracking hashes to a simulated terminal. You only need to start the VM, a webserver will come up and you can connect with your browser. In fact you never have to leave the browser.


Teach some basic well known techniques and attacks. Spark some curiosity, make the user look at the source code and try to figure out what's going on behind the scenes. The main goal is to give a nice welcoming intro to the scene and hopefully also teach something about ethics and responsibility.

Change log

v1.0.1 - 2016-01-15: v1.0.0 - 2015-10-27:
