Virtual Machines
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Search Result: dc (38 results)


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Welcome to

  ___           _            ___          _
 |   \ ___ _ _ | |_____ _  _|   \ ___  __| |_____ _ _
 | |) / _ \ ' \| / / -_) || | |) / _ \/ _| / / -_) '_|
 |___/\___/_||_|_\_\___|\_, |___/\___/\__|_\_\___|_|
                             Made with <3 v.1.0 - 2017

This is my first boot2root - CTF VM. I hope you enjoy it. if you run into any issue you can find me on Twitter: @dhn_ or feel free to write me a mail to:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • GPG key: 0x2641123C
  • GPG fingerprint: 4E3444A11BB780F84B58E8ABA8DD99472641123C

Level: I think the level of this boot2root challange is hard or intermediate.

Try harder!: If you are confused or frustrated don't forget that enumeration is the key!

Thanks: Special thanks to @1nternaut for the awesome CTF VM name!

Feedback: This is my first boot2root - CTF VM, please give me feedback on how to improve!

Tested: This VM was tested with:

  • VMware Workstation 12 Pro
  • VMware Workstation 12 Player
  • VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.5

Networking: DHCP service: Enabled

IP address: Automatically assign


77439cb457a03d554bec78303dc42e5d3074ff85  DonkeyDocker-disk1.vmdk
7013d6a7c151332c99c0e96d34b812e0e7ce3d57  DonkeyDocker.ovf

Looking forward to the write-ups!


Version: GnuPG v1


ARM Lab Environment

Let’s say you got curious about ARM assembly or exploitation and want to write your first assembly scripts or solve some ARM challenges. For that you either need an Arm device (e.g. Raspberry Pi), or you set up your lab environment in a VM for quick access.

This page contains 3 levels of lab setup laziness.

  • Manual Setup – Level 0
  • Ain’t nobody got time for that – Level 1
  • Ain’t nobody got time for that – Level 2

Manual Setup – Level 0

If you have the time and nerves to set up the lab environment yourself, I’d recommend doing it. You might get stuck, but you might also learn a lot in the process. Knowing how to emulate things with QEMU also enables you to choose what ARM version you want to emulate in case you want to practice on a specific processor.

How to emulate Raspbian with QEMU.

Ain’t nobody got time for that – Level 1

Welcome on laziness level 1. I see you don’t have time to struggle through various linux and QEMU errors, or maybe you’ve tried setting it up yourself but some random error occurred and after spending hours trying to fix it, you’ve had enough.

Don’t worry, here’s a solution: Hugsy (aka creator of GEF) released ready-to-play Qemu images for architectures like ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, AARCH64, etc. to play with. All you need is Qemu. Then download the link to your image, and unzip the archive.

Become a ninja on non-x86 architectures

Ain’t nobody got time for that – Level 2

Let me guess, you don’t want to bother with any of this and just want a ready-made Ubuntu VM with all QEMU stuff setup and ready-to-play. Very well. The first Azeria-Labs VM is ready. It’s a naked Ubuntu VM containing an emulated ARMv6l.

This VM is also for those of you who tried emulating ARM with QEMU but got stuck for inexplicable linux reasons. I understand the struggle, trust me.

Download here:

VMware image size:

  • Downloaded zip: Azeria-Lab-v1.7z (4.62 GB)
    • MD5: C0EA2F16179CF813D26628DC792C5DE6
    • SHA1: 1BB1ABF3C277E0FD06AF0AECFEDF7289730657F2
  • Extracted VMware image: ~16GB

Password: azerialabs

Host system specs:

  • Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 64-bit (kernel 4.10.0-38-generic) with Gnome 3
  • HDD: ~26GB (ext4) + ~4GB Swap
  • RAM (configured): 4GB

QEMU setup:

  • Raspbian 8 (27-04-10-raspbian-jessie) 32-bit (kernel qemu-4.4.34-jessie)
  • HDD: ~8GB
  • RAM: ~256MB
  • Tools: GDB (Raspbian 7.7.1+dfsg-5+rpi1) with GEF

I’ve included a Lab VM Starter Guide and set it as the background image of the VM. It explains how to start up QEMU, how to write your first assembly program, how to assemble and disassemble, and some debugging basics. Enjoy!



DVAR is an emulated Linux based ARM router running a vulnerable web server that you can sharpen your ARM stack overflow skills with.

DVAR runs in the tinysploitARM VMWare VM under a fully emulated QEMU ARM router image.

Simply extract the ZIP file and launch the VM via tinysploitARM.vmx. After starting up, the VM's IP address and default URL shall be displayed on the console. Using your host computer's browser, navigate to the URL and follow the instructions and clues. The virtual network adapter is set to NAT mode.

Your goal is to write a working stack overflow exploit for the web server running on the DVAR tinysploitARM target.

SHA256: 1f2bdd9ae4e44443dbb4bf9062300f1991c47f609426a1d679b8dcd17abb384c

DVAR started as an optional preparatory exercise for the ARM IoT Exploit Lab.


RECON Brussels 2018 (4 day) January 29-Feb 1

Offensivecon Berlin 2018 (4 day) February 12-15

Cansecwest Vancouver 2018 (4 day) March 10-13

SyScan360 Singapore 2018 (4 day) March 18-21

Helpful material

If you are new to the world of ARM exploitation, I highly recommend Azeria's excellent tutorials on ARM Assembly, ARM Shellcode and the basics of ARM exploitation. Twitter: @Fox0x01

And these are three general purpose concepts oriented tutorials that every systems enthusiast must know:

Operating Systems - A Primer:

How Functions Work:

Introduction to Debuggers:


Saumil Shah @therealsaumil



DC-1 is a purposely built vulnerable lab for the purpose of gaining experience in the world of penetration testing.

It was designed to be a challenge for beginners, but just how easy it is will depend on your skills and knowledge, and your ability to learn.

To successfully complete this challenge, you will require Linux skills, familiarity with the Linux command line and experience with basic penetration testing tools, such as the tools that can be found on Kali Linux, or Parrot Security OS.

There are multiple ways of gaining root, however, I have included some flags which contain clues for beginners.

There are five flags in total, but the ultimate goal is to find and read the flag in root's home directory. You don't even need to be root to do this, however, you will require root privileges.

Depending on your skill level, you may be able to skip finding most of these flags and go straight for root.

Beginners may encounter challenges that they have never come across previously, but a Google search should be all that is required to obtain the information required to complete this challenge.

Technical Information

DC-1 is a VirtualBox VM built on Debian 32 bit, so there should be no issues running it on most PCs.

While I haven't tested it within a VMware environment, it should also work.

It is currently configured for Bridged Networking, however, this can be changed to suit your requirements. Networking is configured for DHCP.

Installation is simple - download it, unzip it, and then import it into VirtualBox and away you go.


While there should be no problems using this VM, by downloading it, you accept full responsibility for any unintentional damage that this VM may cause.

In saying that, there shouldn't be any problems, but I feel the need to throw this out there just in case.


This is the first vulnerable lab challenge that I've created, so feel free to let me know what you think of it.

I can be contacted via Twitter - @DCAU7



Much like DC-1, DC-2 is another purposely built vulnerable lab for the purpose of gaining experience in the world of penetration testing.

As with the original DC-1, it's designed with beginners in mind.

Linux skills and familiarity with the Linux command line are a must, as is some experience with basic penetration testing tools.

Just like with DC-1, there are five flags including the final flag.

And again, just like with DC-1, the flags are important for beginners, but not so important for those who have experience.

In short, the only flag that really counts, is the final flag.

For beginners, Google is your friend. Well, apart from all the privacy concerns etc etc.

I haven't explored all the ways to achieve root, as I scrapped the previous version I had been working on, and started completely fresh apart from the base OS install.

Technical Information

DC-2 is a VirtualBox VM built on Debian 32 bit, so there should be no issues running it on most PCs.

While I haven't tested it within a VMware environment, it should also work.

It is currently configured for Bridged Networking, however, this can be changed to suit your requirements. Networking is configured for DHCP.

Installation is simple - download it, unzip it, and then import it into VirtualBox and away you go.

Please note that you will need to set the hosts file on your pentesting device to something like: dc-2

Obviously, replace with the actual IP address of DC-2.

It will make life a whole lot simpler (and a certain CMS may not work without it).

If you're not sure how to do this, instructions are here.


While there should be no problems using this VM, by downloading it, you accept full responsibility for any unintentional damage that this VM may cause.

In saying that, there shouldn't be any problems, but I feel the need to throw this out there just in case.


This is the second vulnerable lab challenge that I've created, so feel free to let me know what you think of it.

I'm also very interested in hearing how people go about solving these challenges, so if you're up for writing a walkthrough, please do so and send me a link, or alternatively, follow me on Twitter, and DM me (you can unfollow after you've DM'd me if you'd prefer).

I can be contacted via Twitter - @DCAU7
