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Search Result: kioptrix (5 results)

Kioptrix VM Image Challenges:

This Kioptrix VM Image are easy challenges. The object of the game is to acquire root access via any means possible (except actually hacking the VM server or player). The purpose of these games are to learn the basic tools and techniques in vulnerability assessment and exploitation. There are more ways then one to successfully complete the challenges.



This is the second release of #2. First release had a bug in it with the web application

2012/Feb/09: Re-releases

2011/Feb/11: Original Release


  • Original MD5: 987FFB98117BDEB6CA0AAC6EA22E755D
  • Original SHA1: 7A0EA0F414DFA0E05B7DF504F21B325C6D3CC53B
  • Re-release MD5: 987FFB98117BDEB6CA0AAC6EA22E755D
  • Re-release SHA1: 7A0EA0F414DFA0E05B7DF504F21B325C6D3CC53B

It's been a while since the last Kioptrix VM challenge. Life keeps getting the way of these things you know.

After the seeing the number of downloads for the last two, and the numerous videos showing ways to beat these challenges. I felt that 1.2 (or just level 3) needed to come out. Thank you to all that downloaded and played the first two. And thank you to the ones that took the time to produce video solutions of them. Greatly appreciated.

As with the other two, this challenge is geared towards the beginner. It is however different. Added a few more steps and a new skill set is required. Still being the realm of the beginner I must add. The same as the others, there’s more then one way to “pwn” this one. There’s easy and not so easy. Remember… the sense of “easy” or “difficult” is always relative to ones own skill level. I never said these things were exceptionally hard or difficult, but we all need to start somewhere. And let me tell you, making these vulnerable VMs is not as easy as it looks…

Important thing with this challenge. Once you find the IP (DHCP Client) edit your hosts file and point it to

Under Windows, you would edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to look something like this:

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
#   ::1 localhost127.0.0.1

Under Linux that would be /etc/hosts

There’s a web application involved, so to have everything nice and properly displayed you really need to this.

Hope you enjoy Kioptrix VM Level 1.2 challenge.

452 Megs

MD5 Hash : d324ffadd8e3efc1f96447eec51901f2

Have fun



Again a long delay between VMs, but that cannot be helped. Work, family must come first. Blogs and hobbies are pushed down the list. These things aren’t as easy to make as one may think. Time and some planning must be put into these challenges, to make sure that:

1. It’s possible to get root remotely [ Edit: sorry not what I meant ]

1a. It’s possible to remotely compromise the machine

  1. Stays within the target audience of this site

  2. Must be “realistic” (well kinda…)

  3. Should serve as a refresher for me. Be it PHP or MySQL usage etc. Stuff I haven’t done in a while.

I also had lots of troubles exporting this one. So please take the time to read my comments at the end of this post.

Keeping in the spirit of things, this challenge is a bit different than the others but remains in the realm of the easy. Repeating myself I know, but things must always be made clear: These VMs are for the beginner. It’s a place to start.

I’d would love to code some small custom application for people to exploit. But I’m an administrator not a coder. It would take too much time to learn/code such an application. Not saying I’ll never try doing one, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. If someone wants more difficult challenges, I’m sure the Inter-tubes holds them somewhere. Or you can always enroll in Offsec’s PWB course. *shameless plug

-- A few things I must say. I made this image using a new platform. Hoping everything works but I can’t test for everything. Initially the VM had troubles getting an IP on boot-up. For some reason the NIC wouldn’t go up and the machine was left with the loopback interface. I hope that I fixed the problem. Don’t be surprised if it takes a little moment for this one to boot up. It’s trying to get an IP. Be a bit patient. Someone that tested the image for me also reported the VM hung once powered on. Upon restart all was fine. Just one person reported this, so hoping it’s not a major issue. If you plan on running this on vmFusion, you may need to convert the imagine to suit your fusion version.

-- Also adding the VHD file for download, for those using Hyper-V. You guys may need to change the network adapter to “Legacy Network Adapter”. I’ve test the file and this one seems to run fine for me… If you’re having problems, or it’s not working for any reason email comms[=]

Thanks to @shai_saint from for the much needed testing with various VM solutions.

Thanks to Patrick from for also running the VM and reporting a few issues. And Swappage & @Tallenz for doing the same. All help is appreciated guys

So I hope you enjoy this one.

The Kioptrix Team

